Silver Spruce Resources Inc. reported final results of the high resolution, magnetic /VLF-EM survey and check sample results for diamond drilling carried out on the road-accessible, Big Easy gold/silver prospect in eastern Newfoundland. The Big Easy (BE) prospect is an extensive, altered (silicified) system that covers an area of approximately 1.7 km by up to 300 m wide which was drilled in 2011 and 2012, giving significant gold (Au) and silver (Ag) values in several holes defining a low sulphidation epithermal Au/Ag system. The less explored ET zone, 3.5 km to the south of BE, was discovered by prospecting in the south central part of the property in June 2011 and has recently been extended to a minimum 400 m strike length.

The 349 line km survey covered the entire property at 70 m terrain clearance and nominal 300 m line spacing, with 200 m line spacing over the known mineralization at the BE and ET zones. The results show magnetic lows, most likely representing the alteration coincident with the mineralized zones at both the BE and ET zones. These two established zones are joined by a sinuous magnetic low, which may represent alteration/mineralization linking the two known zones.

The overall sinuous nature of the magnetic low is believed to be related to crosscutting faults, which may offset the alteration system as shown by magnetic highs representing mafic dikes emplaced along ENE and NW trending structures. The VLF-EM survey shows the ENE and NW trends as conductive zones, most likely representing water filled shear systems. The airborne data will be incorporated in the database for the area to plan for further exploration in 2013. Results have been received for the area of questionable results in Au only, noted in the first check sample analyses received.

This gold anomalous area had been flagged in the original results as an outlier, as it gave only low Ag values in comparison to most of the other significant Au/Ag zones which were duplicated, although with nugget-type effects in the check sampling. Two check samples from section 101 to 112.25 m in DDH BE-12-10 gave values of 28 and 64 ppb Au, in comparison to the two original samples which gave values >1 g/T and the overall section from 101 to 112.25 m (11.3 m), giving 0.8 g/T Au and 3.8 g/T Ag. Subsequently, the rest of the rejected samples from this section were re-analyzed as check samples at a second laboratory, with similar results as the first set of check samples.

The pulps from these re-analyses were then re-assayed at the original laboratory, where they found similar results indicating only background Au values throughout the section in question. None of the high Au values were duplicated and assays generally gave near background values (<70 ppb Au), indicating a problem in the Au analysis at the original laboratory. Interestingly, the high check sample Au value was 150 ppb Au in the sample from 111.5-112.25 m, which gave 2279 ppb in the original analyses.

The Ag values were 7.4 and 8 ppm respectively in this sample interval, the high Ag values in this section and generally reflective of Au/Ag association throughout the Big Easy core sampling. The originating laboratory is still trying to determine how the spurious results occurred; however, to date no explanation has been brought forward.