Silver Range Resources Ltd. provided an update on recent work completed in Nevada. The Hannapah Property is 28 kilometers east of Tonopah in Nye County and covers the Richardson Mine and several peripheral prospects along the trend of the controlling Hannapah Fault. The Richardson Mine is in the Hannapah Mining District, an area underlain by Oligocene volcanics containing widespread vein-hosted epithermal silver-gold mineralization. Composite grab samples collected from dump material at the Richardson Mine confirm historical grades with analyses up to 568 g/t Ag and 1.01 g/t Au. Grab samples of altered rhyolite collected northeast of the Richardson Mine returned up to 2.42 g/t Au and 301 g/t Ag. A total of 20 samples were collected of which 5 samples returned gold analyses greater than 0.5 g/t Au and 7 samples returned silver analyses greater than 50 g/t Ag. Silver Range intends to conduct a program of soil sampling and ground geophysics on the property to map the structural framework in the area and identify prospective vein systems on and adjacent to the controlling fault. The Gold Chief Property is located 9 km north of Caliente in Lincoln County and covers the past-producing Gold Chief Mine and a peripheral prospect. The Gold Chief Mine reportedly produced 5224 t at 6.18 g/t Au from 1913 to 1914 and shipped 189 T @ 1.1 OPT Au-equivalent during high-grading operations in the late 1930's. In 2016, Silver Range sampled the back of a collapsed stope which returned 14 m @ 1.93 g/t Au including 4 m @ 3.86 g/t Au with best results (1 m chip) of 4.58 g/t Au. Mineralization at Gold Chief is carbonate-hosted and is localized along the north-striking Stampede Detachment Fault and an orthogonal lateral ramp fault. In October and November 2017, Silver Range completed a three-dimensional induced polarization and electrical resistivity (3D-IP) survey on the property designed to detect mineralization along both of these faults. The survey covered approximately 12 line-km and employed expanding pole-dipole arrays reading variable spaced (20 - 80 m) dipoles to the 10th separation on orthogonal survey lines spaced 100 m apart. The data was subsequently inverted in three dimensions. The inversion results defined the structural architecture in the vicinity of the Gold Chief Mine and delineated a compelling drill target at depth near the mine workings. The resistivity inversion clearly imaged both the Stampede Detachment Fault and the intersection with the lateral ramp fault while the chargeability inversion delineated a high at a depth of 80 meters straddling the Stampede Detachment Fault. A historical drill hole completed by Homestake Mining Company intersects the margin of the chargeability high and bottomed in material described as containing 2 - 6% grey sulphides. This drill intersection, the absence of fresh sulphides near surface at the Gold Chief Mine and the depth to the top of the chargeability high suggest the chargeability anomaly is likely caused by disseminated sulphides rather than clay minerals which persist to surface in the mine workings. The geophysical surveys imaged features to a depth of approximately 150 meters and the inversion results indicate that the resisitivity and chargeability anomaly sources are open at depth. Silver Range is designing a drill program to test the prospective targets identified by the geophysical surveys.