Undur Tolgoi Minerals Inc. announced that Mr. Anthony Milewski will join its board of directors effective January 1, 2014. In addition, the company will also appoint Mr. Erdembileg Jugdernamjil to the position of Chief Operating Officer, effective January 1, 2014, replacing Mr. Jimmie Wilde who has resigned as COO of the company. Mr. Milewski worked with Skadden Arps and Renaissance Capital in Moscow and Firebird Management in New York.

He has served as both a director and an executive with a number of private and public companies. Mr. Erdembileg is the CEO of CBM LLC and the CEO of Big Mogul Coal & Energy LLC. Erdembileg also served as an officer at the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, a project manager at Energy Resources LLC and an officer at the State Property Committee.