SERAKU_Summary of Consolidated Financial Results

for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2021

(Nine Months Ended May 31, 2021)

[Japanese GAAP]

July 14, 2021

Company name: SERAKU Co., Ltd.

Listing: Tokyo Stock Exchange (First Section)

Stock code:




Tatsumi Miyazaki, Representative Director


Tomoharu Kozeki, Executive Director, General Manager of Corporate Management Division

Tel: +81-(0)3-3227-2321

Scheduled date of filing of Quarterly Report:

July 15, 2021

Scheduled date of payment of dividend:


Preparation of supplementary materials for quarterly financial results: Yes

Holding of quarterly financial results meeting:


(All amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen)

1. Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended May 31, 2021 (Sep. 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021)

(1) Consolidated results of operations

(Percentages represent year-on-year changes)

Net sales

Operating profit

Ordinary profit

Profit attributable to

owners of parent

Millions of yen


Millions of yen


Millions of yen


Millions of yen


Nine months ended May 31, 2021









Nine months ended May 31, 2020









Note: Comprehensive income (millions of yen)

Nine months ended May 31, 2021:


(up 112.3%)

Nine months ended May 31, 2020:


(up 77.9%)

Net income per share

Diluted net income per




Nine months ended May 31, 2021



Nine months ended May 31, 2020



(2) Consolidated financial position

Total assets

Net assets

Equity ratio

Millions of yen

Millions of yen


As of May 31, 2021




As of Aug. 31, 2020




Reference: Shareholders' equity (millions of yen) As of May 31, 2021:4,327 As of Aug. 31, 2020: 3,425

2. Dividends

Dividend per share











Fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2020






Fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2021




Fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2021 (forecast)



Note: Revisions to the most recently announced dividend forecast: None

3. Consolidated Earnings Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2021 (Sep. 1, 2020 to Aug. 31, 2021)

(Percentages represent year-on-year changes)

Net sales

Operating profit

Ordinary profit

Profit attributable to

Net income per share

owners of parent

Millions of yen


Millions of yen


Millions of yen


Millions of yen



Full year










Note: Revisions to the most recently announced consolidated earnings forecast: None

* Notes

  1. Changes in significant subsidiaries during the period (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in changes in scope of consolidation): None

Newly added: -

Excluded: -

  1. Application of special accounting methods in the preparation of the quarterly consolidated financial statements: None
  2. Changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates, and restatements
    1. Changes in accounting policies due to revisions in accounting standards, others: None
    2. Changes in accounting policies other than 1) above: None
    3. Changes in accounting estimates: None
    4. Restatements: None
  3. Number of shares issued (common shares)
    1. Number of shares issued as of the end of the period (including treasury shares)

As of May 31, 2021:


As of Aug. 31, 2020:


  1. Number of treasury shares as of the end of the period

As of May 31, 2021:


As of Aug. 31, 2020:


3) Average number of shares during the period

Nine months ended May 31, 2021:


Nine months ended May 31, 2020:


  • The current financial report is not subject to quarterly review by certified public accountants or auditing firms.
  • Explanation of appropriate use of earnings forecasts and other special items
    Forecasts of future performance in these materials are based on assumptions judged to be valid and information available to the management of Seraku at the time these materials were prepared, but are not promised by Seraku regarding future performance. Actual results may differ significantly from these forecasts for a number of reasons. For discussion of the assumptions and other factors considered by Seraku in preparing the above projections, please refer to page 4 of the attachments "1. Qualitative Information on Quarterly Consolidated Financial Performance, (3) Explanation of Consolidated Earnings Forecast and Other Forward-looking Statements."

SERAKU Co., Ltd. (6199) Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter of FY8/21

Contents of Attachments

1. Qualitative Information on Quarterly Consolidated Financial Performance



Explanation of Results of Operations



Explanation of Financial Position



Explanation of Consolidated Earnings Forecast and Other Forward-looking Statements


2. Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes



Quarterly Consolidated Balance Sheet



Quarterly Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income



Notes to Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements


Going Concern Assumption


Additional Information


Significant Changes in Shareholders' Equity


Segment and Other Information


Material Subsequent Events



SERAKU Co., Ltd. (6199) Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter of FY8/21

1. Qualitative Information on Quarterly Consolidated Financial Performance

(1) Explanation of Results of Operations

In the first nine months of the fiscal year ending in August 2021, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic continued to have a negative impact on the Japanese economy. The state of emergency has ended and many regions of Japan have shifted their focus to preventing the spread of infections. There is also progress with vaccinations. Although these developments are creating hopes for an economic recovery, the economic outlook is expected to remain unclear.

In Japan's IT services industry, which is the primary business sector of the Seraku Group, there is increasing use of tools for creating remote working environments that give people flexibility for doing their jobs. There is also a large volume of IT investments for increasing the efficiency of business processes, upgrading information security and other improvements.

Although the business climate will remain uncertain for the time being, the digital transformation (DX) is expected to continue to gain momentum. For example, governments are increasing the use of digital technologies and companies are using these technologies for business process improvements and innovations. As a result, recruiting and training skilled engineers who can meet the requirements of IT service companies are becoming increasingly important.

To provide services with even greater value, the Seraku Group is recruiting and training many highly skilled engineers. There are also even more activities aimed at increasing our market share in the agricultural IT sector by using Midori Cloud with the goal of achieving the digital transformation of a primary industry.

Net sales increased 12.0% year-on-year to 11,313 million yen, operating profit increased 55.7% year on year to 1,155 million yen, ordinary profit increased 111.7% year on year to 1,582 million yen, and profit attributable to owners of parent increased 107.8% year on year to 963 million yen.

Results by business segment were as follows.

1) System Integration

System Integration includes IT infrastructure and cloud technologies, a business sector with long-term stability that primarily involves IT support in existing technology domains. This segment also provides digital creative services, web operations, web system development and many other services.

In the fiscal year's first nine months, recruitment and training activities were a priority and there were many initiatives to increase the utilization of external resources by strengthening ties with all of our business partners. The reason is the good prospects for continuing to capture new business involving system development and operation, design and construction of IT infrastructure, project management and other business domains.

To enable engineers with no experience to become productive workers quickly, we started operating a project room for training with equipment that faithfully recreates actual workplaces. We will utilize this project room to give people at all levels, from younger engineers to experienced people and individuals in leadership positions, expertise concerning the latest technologies.

Sales in the System Integration segment were 8,048 million yen, up 0.4% year on year, and the segment profit was 815 million yen, up 22.4% year on year.

2) Digital Transformation

This segment encompasses many services that utilize advanced technologies. Activities include cybersecurity for protecting the information assets of companies, customer success services that solve the unsolvable problem for users, the use of robotic process automation (RPA) to make business processes more efficient, and Midori Cloud, which uses IT for the profitability of agricultural businesses.

In the fiscal year's first nine months, sales increased significantly because of the continuing growth of customers' needs in all technology categories of this segment.


SERAKU Co., Ltd. (6199) Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter of FY8/21

In the customer success business, existing Salesforce retention support services posted strong growth and performance also benefited from meeting the need for multi-faceted retention support, including Pardot, a marketing tool for B-to-B, and Tableau, an analysis platform. In addition, we have started Salesforce retention services in collaboration with NTT DATA Corporation.

In the agricultural services sector, we are creating many proposals concerning the use of Midori Cloud and Farm Cloud for the digital transformation of agriculture, both crops and livestock, for prospective customers to capture orders. Sales activities target farms, livestock operations, local governments, and other potential users of these services. In April 2021, Midori Cloud was selected as an Innovative Agricultural Business Support Model Development project by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. We are using this as a base for activities aimed at increasing the value of Midori Cloud assets.

Sales in the Digital Transformation segment were 2,920 million yen, up 65.6% year on year, and the segment profit was 305 million yen, up 166.9% year on year.

3) Mechanical Design and Engineering

This segment is the operations of consolidated subsidiary P's Engineering. This company provides 3D CAD technologies, designs machines, dies and other items for other companies, and provides technologies for experiments, performance tests and other aspects of quality assurance activities.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic impacted market conditions during the first nine months, there has been a slow recovery in the need for the services of P's Engineering. The resulting increase in the company's capacity utilization contributed to higher sales. Due to the outlook for more opportunities to receive orders, this company is continuing to conduct recruiting and training activities to build a base for more growth.

Sales in the Mechanical Design and Engineering segment were 348 million yen, up 10.4% year on year, and the segment profit was 35 million yen, compared with a loss of 32 million yen in the same period of the previous fiscal year.

4) Others

This segment is the operations of consolidated subsidiary Seraku ECA, which is primarily engaged in job placement and temporary staffing services and services for training IT engineers.

During the first nine months, the business climate continued to decline because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this downturn, we are examining the outlook for Seraku ECA and its role within the Seraku Group.

Sales in the Other segment were 2 million yen, down 89.8% year on year, and the segment loss was 925 thousand yen, compared with a loss of 5 million yen in the same period of the previous fiscal year.

  1. Explanation of Financial Position Assets

Total assets increased 1,269 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 8,611 million yen as of the end of the third quarter. The main reasons were increases of 1,157 million yen in cash and deposits, 96 million yen in deferred tax assets, 85 million yen in other under investments and other assets, 46 million yen in work in process and 33 million yen in buildings, net, while there were decreases of 130 million yen in notes and accounts receivable-trade and 30 million yen in other under current assets.


Total liabilities increased 368 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 4,280 million yen. The main reasons were increases of 804 million yen in accounts payable-other, 160 million yen in current portion of long-term borrowings and 129 million yen in income taxes payable, while there were decreases of 260 million yen in provision for bonuses, 249 million yen in long-term borrowings and 222 million yen in accrued consumption taxes.


This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


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Seraku Co. Ltd. published this content on 14 July 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 14 July 2021 06:02:01 UTC.