SenesTech, Inc. announced the launch of Evolve? Soft Bait ("Evolve") at Ace Hardware franchise locations in California. Evolve is the first and only soft bait product featuring breakthrough, next generation technology that targets rodent populations by using nonlethal methods to restrict fertility.

The franchise has also recently began selling SenesTech's expanded line of fertility control products, including the Isolate? and Elevate? bait systems for ContraPest®.

This marks the first time a traditional retail store has offered SenesTech's rodent fertility control solutions. Evolve addresses the fundamental issue of rodent overpopulation by focusing on the rapid reproduction of rats. Evolve controls the population by reducing or eliminating the fertility of rats, rather than trying to keep up with the growing numbers of an infestation with poisons alone.

The active ingredient in Evolve effectively reduces fertility in rats in numerous independent studies. Evolve is highly palatable to rats, easy to deploy, offers diverse placement in many different environments and is priced competitively to rodenticide alternatives.