Seeka Kiwifruit Industries Limited provided earnings guidance for full year 2015. The company's forecast provided a range for the lift in after tax earnings for the full year of between 30% and 40% on the previous financial year's net profit after tax of $3.17 million, excluding one off gains, any gain arising from accounting for the insurance proceeds from the Oakside fire, revaluation and impairments, and costs associated with acquisitions or disposals. Allowing for the expected accounting gain for the insurance proceeds from the Oakside building fire claim, and costs and losses associated with increased fruit loss, which remain subject to a separate insurance claim, Seeka continues to expect performance will exceed the 2014 financial year, but expects profit performance now to represent a 10% to 40% increase over that financial year, with the lower end of the range being the outcome if the costs associated with the fruit losses are uninsured.