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Sanofi-aventis Press Release

Sanofi-aventis and employees unite for the victims of Haiti

• 1 million Euros to finance reconstruction initiatives

• Urgent financial aid and considerable donations of medicines and vaccines

• Call to the generosity of employees to be matched by the Group

Paris, France - January 21, 2010 - In the face of the unprecedented earthquake
that hit the island of Haiti, sanofi-aventis has committed 1 million Euros in
financial aid to long-term reconstruction initiatives and the rehabilitation of
the population of Haiti.

Since the beginning of this unsurpassed crisis, the teams of sanofi-aventis have
been mobilized working with the Authorities and teams on the ground to ensure
the release of a first urgent financial aid of 100,000 Euros and considerable
donations of medicines and vaccines. The Group will continue to do so.

"We are pro foundly affected by the magnitude of the tragedy, which has struck
Haiti, and we would like to express our sincere compassion to the families of
the victims", declared Christopher A. Viehbacher, Chief Executive Officer,
sanofi-aventis. "Solidarity is integral to the DNA of our Group and I consider
it our responsibility as a worldwide diversified healthcare leader to respond to
the essential health requirements of these victims, in dire need".

Sanofi-aventis has also called on the generosity of its employees worldwide to
support the cause. The resulting donations will be matched by the Group. For
each donated euro, the Group will donate an additional euro, multiplying by two
the available fund.

Employees donations will help support the post-emergency programme driven by six
associations, Aide Médicale Internationale, Care, the Red Cross, Handicap
International, Médecins du Monde and UNICEF, all of which are specialists
experienced in extreme situations, are chosen partners of our Group and are
already present in Haiti. These associations will ensure the co-ordination of
all implemented actions in the best interest of the people affected.

About sanofi-aventis
Sanofi-aventis, a leading global pharmaceutical company, discovers, develops and
distributes therapeutic solutions to improve the lives of everyone.
Sanofi-aventis is listed in Paris (EURONEXT : SAN) and in New York (NYSE : SNY).
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