BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - According to Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, an initial draft bill for the planned major hospital reform is to be presented by the summer break. The SPD politician announced this on Thursday after consultations with the health ministers of the states and experts from the coalition factions. He emphasized a joint approach with the states, "so that afterwards you have a reform on which everyone has worked together."

The switching conference was about implementing proposals from a commission of experts on reforming hospital structures and

-financing. On the table are proposals to lower the

so-called per-case flat rates on the one hand and for a stronger focus on so-called retention flat rates on the other. In addition, greater specialization of hospitals is planned.

The reform needs the approval of the federal states. They are responsible for hospital planning and also for investments in the hospitals. "We are on the eve of a necessary revolution in the hospital sector," Lauterbach said. Without a major reform, many hospitals would go bankrupt./jr/DP/ngu