Turn your Christmas lunch into renewable energy

Turn your used cooking oil into energy by recycling it at one of the county's household recycling centres this Christmas.

Shropshire Council and its recycling contractor Veolia have partnered with Living Fuels to transform the oil into much needed renewable energy.

Five household recycling centres in Shropshire have been fitted with tanks to collect cooking oil, which is then taken to a facility where it is transformed into an environmentally friendly bioliquid that is fed into generators to produce renewable energy for the National Grid.

A spokesperson for Veolia said: "Christmas festivities always create extra waste and we would encourage residents to recycle as much as possible. Cooking oil is just one more thing that you can recycle."

Cllr. Steven Charmley, Shropshire Councils Cabinet Member with responsibility for Waste Management added: "It's easy to recycle your used cooking oil this Christmas, once it's cool just pour it into a sealed container and bring it to your local Household Recycling Centre"

Rob Murphy, Operations Director at Living Fuels who operate the plant that recovers the oil explains: "Turning cooking oil into a chemical-free bioliquid results in higher levels of energy recovery than manufacturing carbon-hungry biodiesel, making our process the most sustainable use of waste vegetable oil.
He went on to say that, "as well as providing a valuable source of renewable energy, recycling cooking oil prevents fatbergs building up in sewers which will in turn stop any messy burst pipes this Christmas."

Cooking oil recycling is available at the following Household Recycling Centres: Whitchurch, Shrewsbury, Craven Arms, Bridgnorth and Oswestry.
To find your nearest recycling site visit http://new.shropshire.gov.uk/recycling-and-rubbish

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