FRANKFURT/ZÜRICH (dpa-AFX) - The shares of DocMorris and its competitor Redcare Pharmacy fell on Wednesday after initially making significant gains. While DocMorris lost 7.1 percent to 86.30 Swiss francs in the afternoon, Redcare fell by 4.1 percent to 138.80 euros in the MDax. According to traders, the excitement is now gone now that the e-prescription has been launched and the approvals have been granted.

In the morning, DocMorris shares had still benefited from the Gematik approval for the simple collection of e-prescriptions via electronic health cards in Germany. The rollout of the new e-prescription function in the DocMorris app was then started immediately, the mail-order pharmacy announced. The Redcare paper was also pulled up by this news.

According to DocMorris, around 70 percent of all prescriptions in Germany are already issued electronically. Until now, however, online pharmacies have lacked a fully digital check-in process.

Both DocMorris and Redcare are now expecting strong business growth as a result of the introduction of e-prescriptions. And this is precisely what has recently driven online pharmacy operators up sharply, commented market expert Andreas Lipkow. As a result, profits are now being taken again, as the e-prescription fantasy is largely priced in and no positive impetus is expected in the near future. "Although the sector remains interesting in the long term, it simply lacks the necessary momentum in the short term."

Following a slump in both shares in February/March due to ongoing technical implementation problems with e-prescriptions, the prices of DocMorris and Redcare recovered. However, DocMorris has now been severely slowed down again on the way back to its high for the year in February. Redcare fared similarly, failing again at the price level in the EUR 153 region. A jump above this would have opened the way to the highest level since the end of 2021./ck/jsl/he