reach4entertainment enterprises plc announced that David Stoller, the Company's Executive Chairman, has informed the board of the Company of his decision to retire as a director and Executive Chairman of the Company with effect from 30 September 2017. Mr. Stoller will remain as the Company's Executive Chairman and will continue to fulfil his executive role until 30 September 2017. During this period, the Board will be working to appoint a Group Chief Executive and discussions with a potential candidate to fulfil the role have commenced. Further updates will be made in due course. Following Mr. Stoller ceasing to be a director and Executive Chairman of the Company, he will continue to assist the Company and will become Non-Executive Chairman of Spotco Inc, the Company's New York based agency. In accordance with good corporate governance practice, it has been the Board's intention for some time to separate the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive and following Mr. Stoller ceasing to be a director the Company will also seek to appoint a new Non-Executive Chairman.