937,240 Units of Railway Metrics and Dynamics Sweden AB (publ) are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 15-DEC-2022. These Units will be under lockup for 91 days starting from 15-SEP-2022 to 15-DEC-2022.

Three of the Company's shareholders, including the Company's co-founder and largest shareholder Jan Lindqvist and chairman of the board Howard McCall, have contractually committed to North Point that within a period of 360 days and 90 days respectively from the first day of trading on the Spotlight Stock Market, not to sell or implement other transactions having the equivalent effect of a sale without, in each individual case, first obtaining the written consent of North Point. Decision to issuesuch written consent decided entirely at the discretion of North Point and judgment is made on a case-bycase basis. Granted consent may depend on individual legal as well as commercial reasons. The lock up commitments are shown in the table below.

In total, entered into lock up agreements cover approximately 46.86 percent of the shares and votes in the Company before the implementation of the Offer and approximately 38.91 percent of the shares and votes in the Company after the implementation of the Offer, whereby the percentage in the latter case is based on the assumption that all new shares within the framework for the Offer is subscribed (including the Extension Option).

After the end of the respective lock-up period, the shares may be offered for sale, which, where applicable, may affect the market price of the share. Exceptions from lock up may be made according to the conditions and as an acceptance of a public takeover offer according to the law (2006:451) on public takeover offers on the stock market.