The board of directors of Neopost decided at its meeting on 12 January 2018 to implement the separation of the functions of chairman of the group’s board of directors and the chief executive officer. This separation of functions is in line with the commitment undertaken for the general assembly held on 1 July 2016, and will be effective from 1 February 2018. Geoffrey Godet is named Chief Executive Officer of Neopost. His principal mission will be to accelerate the Group’s transformation. Denis Thiery is Chairman of the Board of Directors. He will ensure the implementation of the new governance by bringing his in-depth knowledge of the sector and the company. Geoffrey Godet will be based at Neopost’s headquarters in Bagneux, in the Paris region. His nomination to the Neopost Board of Directors will be proposed to the shareholder General Assembly which will take place on 29 June 2018. Geoffrey Godet spent his entire career with the Flatirons and Jouve Group. Most recently was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Jouve, based in Paris. Prior to that, he was successively Marketing and Communications Director, Head of the Cultural Heritage Digitization Division and Managing Director of Jouve Aviation Solutions. Denis Thiery joined Neopost in 1998 as Group Chief Financial Officer and was responsible for the Group’s successful stock market introduction. He became Chief Executive Officer from 19 June 2007 to 12 January 2010, at which time he became Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Denis Thiery started his career at Coopers and Lybrand before holding a series of positions at Wang France, including Finance Director. Previously he was Finance Director and then Managing Director of the Moorings group in Florida.