The Board of Directors of PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited, at meeting No. 1/2560/419 on 26 January 2017, passed a resolution to propose the 2016 dividend payment of THB 3.25 per share to the 2017 annual general shareholders' meeting for approval. The company has made an interim dividend payment to the shareholders for the first-half-year operations of 2016 at the rate of THB 0.75 per share (the entire amount was paid from retained earnings under the Petroleum Income Tax Act), and still has to pay the remaining dividend at the rate of THB 2.50 per share, which will be paid from retained earnings under the Revenue Code. To receive dividend, and fixed 10 February 2017 as the share registration book closing date for gathering shareholders' names under Section 225 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (Amended B.E. 2551). The dividend payment of THB 2.50 per share will be paid on 10 April 2017, after obtaining approval from the 2017 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting.