Certain Ordinary Shares of PT Menn Teknologi Indonesia Tbk are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 11-DEC-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 241 days starting from 14-APR-2023 to 11-DEC-2023.

In connection with the planned Public Offering of the Company, in accordance with Article 2 of the OJK Regulation Number: 25/ POJK.04/2017 concerning Restrictions on Shares Issued Prior to the Public Offering, each party who obtains equity securities from the Company at a price and/or conversion value and/ or the exercise price is below the Initial Public Offering price within 6 (six) months prior to the submission of the Registration Statement to the OJK, it is prohibited to transfer part or all of the ownership of the Company's equity securities until 8 (eight) months after the Registration Statement becomes Effective and with respect to the Statement Letter signed by each of the Company's shareholders on November 21, 2022, truly stating that Michael Halim Mulyanto, Edrick Pramana and Ir. Agus Mulyanto as a shareholder, which acquires shares at a price below the price of the Initial Public Offering, will not transfer part or all of the shares up to 8 (eight) months after the Registration Statement for the Initial Public Offering becomes effective.