24. JUN. 2014 13:46 0290204180 NO. 5979 P. 2

HLB Mann.Judd

How will you communicate to us?

It is my intention to seek relief from the Australian Securities and Investment in accordance with ;egulatory guide 174 and class order 03/392 to defer the c annua! reporting ob!igations and the holding of its AGM unti!such time as the the company's administration or any subsequent deed of company arrangement

In order to keep the cost of communicating to shareholders to a minimum, I wi to keep shareholders informed of any major developments via releases to the

What should I do ifl bave further queries?

Should you have any further queries in relation to this matter please contact ofmy office on (02) 9020 4335.


24. JUN. 2014 13:46 0290204180 NO. 5979 P. 2

HLB Mann.Judd How will you communicate to us?

It is my intention to seek relief from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in accordance with ;egulatory guide 174 and class order 03/392 to defer the company's annua! reporting ob!igations and the holding of its AGM unti!such time as the outcome of the company's administration or any subsequent deed of company arrangement is known.
In order to keep the cost of communicating to shareholders to a minimum, I will endeavour to keep shareholders informed of any major developments via releases to the ASX.

What should I do ifl bave further queries?

Should you have any further queries in relation to this matter please contact Jessica Racsits ofmy office on (02) 9020 4335.


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