UNTERFÖHRING (dpa-AFX) - Sat.1 is discontinuing the cooking shows with Johann Lafer and Alex Kumptner. "Unfortunately, the cooking shows "Drei Teller für Lafer" and "Das Schnäppchenmenü" did not appeal to the masses on Sat.1 afternoons during the week," a station spokesperson announced, confirming a report by dwdl.de.

The remaining episodes will instead be broadcast at the weekend: five editions in a row will be shown on Saturday from 1 p.m. - first "Drei Teller für Lafer", then later "Das Schnäppchenmenü" with professional Alex Kumptner.

According to dwdl.de, the productions, which were only launched in mid-May, were not well received in the 3 and 4 p.m. slots: The 40 episodes of "Das Schnäppchenmenüs" broadcast to date have been watched by an average of barely more than 200,000 viewers, while the cooking show with Johann Lafer has generally been even less well received./may/DP/men