(Alliance News) - Promotica Spa announced on Monday that preliminary consolidated turnover in 2022 is close to EUR90 million, more than two times 2021's value of EUR39.6 million.

"The growth in turnover benefited from the acquisitions made during the two-year period 2021-2022 - the 2022 consolidation area includes the company Mercati, limited to the second half of the year, and the entire year of Grani & Partners - consolidated in 2021 only for the month of December - and from the launch of important loyalty campaigns, in particular those towards the COOP system, Selex Gruppo Commerciale and Conad with the Christmas campaign featuring Goofy," the company explained in a note.

During 2022, the company managed a total of 272 promotional campaigns compared to 249 in 2021, with an average campaign value of EUR263,000, and a total of 15.7 million prizes disbursed.

Customers increased from 107 in 2021 to 129 in 2022, reflecting careful management aimed at reducing customer concentration risks. Promotica used 150 suppliers, including 10 with exclusive contracts.

Promotica trades in the green by 3.2 percent at EUR2.92 per share.

By Claudia Cavaliere, Alliance News reporter

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