Presto Automation Inc. is announcing an expansion of its partnership with Del Taco Restaurants Inc. to provide automated voice ordering at several drive-thru restaurants nationwide. Its artificial intelligence (A.I.) powered solution, Presto Voice™, is already operating 24/7 at select Del Taco locations where it is significantly helping operations by improving labor productivity, increasing suggestive selling, and boosting guest and staff experience. Del Taco has 600+ locations nationwide.

As the demand for convenience goes up across the restaurant category and staffing headwinds continue, automation is an efficient and effective answer. Presto Voice offers a significant advantage to restaurants by minimizing human error, reducing wait times, and freeing up staff so they can focus on improving customer experience. Presto Voice has proven to be the best positioned automation technology partner for the drive-thru restaurant industry with its superior reliability and ability to quickly scale across thousands of restaurants.

It is even more powerful when augmented with Presto Vision™, another A.I.-powered product, that provides 16 unique operational metrics on drive-thru performance. These real-time metrics can help reduce wait time and increase order accuracy.