POLMED S.A. os. Kopernika 21, 83-200 Starogard Gdański

tel. 058 775 09 19, fax 058 560 18 14, infolinia: 0801 033 200 e-mail: polmed@polmed.pl, www.polmed.pl

Current report no 01/2015 Date of construction: 2015-01-07 Abbreviated name of the Issuer:


Legal basis:

Article 56 (1) (2) of the Law on Public Offering - current and interim information

Report topic:

Conclusion of an amendment to the contract - as part of a package of contracts with the NFZ (National Health Fund) for 2015, meeting jointly the criterion of a significant contract

Report content:

The Board of Directors of POLMED S.A. with its registered office in Starogard Gdański makes public that on 07 January 2015 an amendment to the agreement with the National Health Fund - Silesian Voivodeship Branch in Katowice (hereinafter: the NFZ) was concluded for the provision of health care services with the estimated total value of PLN 93,007.44.
The subject of the Agreement No. 120/212342/05/2014L (amended into
120/212342/05/2015) of 7 January 2015 is to provide health care services in the field of medical rehabilitation (hereinafter: the Agreement). In terms of financing conditions, the Amendment sets out the maximum amount of liability of the NFZ to the Company for the execution of the Agreement during the period from 1
January 2015 to 31 December 2015 at PLN 93,007.44 (ninety-three thousand and seven Polish zlotys 44/100). The material and financial plan, which is annexed to said Agreement, establishes in detail the number and price of clearing units and the amount due for each range of benefits covered by the Agreement. The duration of the Agreement did not change - it applies from 1 July 2014 to 30 June
2019 with the possibility of its termination giving three months' notice by either party. It was agreed that the Amendment shall enter into force as of 1 January

2015. Other terms of the above Agreement shall not depart from the commonly used terms for this type of agreements.

Kapitał akcyjny 28 350 061 PLN wpłacony w całości, NIP: 592-19-63-724, REGON: 192110780, KRS Nr 0000271013

Organ wydający KRS: Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk Północ w Gdańsku, Wydział VII Gospodarczy KRS Członkowie Zarządu: Radosław Szubert - Prezes, Romuald Magdoń - Wiceprezes


POLMED S.A. os. Kopernika 21, 83-200 Starogard Gdański

tel. 058 775 09 19, fax 058 560 18 14, infolinia: 0801 033 200 e-mail: polmed@polmed.pl, www.polmed.pl

Due to the nature of agreements concluded with the branches of the National Health Fund, it is not possible to determine in advance the value of the Agreement for the entire period of its validity. The Issuer can only estimate that in the period from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 the value of the said Agreement will be close to the maximum amount of liabilities of the NFZ to the Company based on the Amendment. The criterion for acceptance that the abovementioned Agreement is significant is the fact that the Issuer in the last 12 months signed more agreements or amendments with the NFZ, which together meet the criterion of a significant agreement, i.e. exceed 10% of the equity capital of the Issuer.
The total value of agreements and amendments to the agreements for the provision of health care services signed the NFZ for 2015 is estimated by the Board of the Issuer at PLN 1,435,200. However, it should be noted that this is only an estimated amount relating only to this Agreement because amendments to other agreements with the NFZ branches, setting out the maximum value of benefits for 2015 or capitation rates for other types of agreements, have not been concluded yet. The Issuer will inform about next agreements forthwith.

A detailed legal basis:

The Decree of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognition as equivalent information required by the law of a non-Member State
- §5 (1) (3)
Signatures of the persons representing the company







President of the Board of



Vice-President of the Board

Kapitał akcyjny 28 350 061 PLN wpłacony w całości, NIP: 592-19-63-724, REGON: 192110780, KRS Nr 0000271013

Organ wydający KRS: Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk Północ w Gdańsku, Wydział VII Gospodarczy KRS Członkowie Zarządu: Radosław Szubert - Prezes, Romuald Magdoń - Wiceprezes


POLMED S.A. os. Kopernika 21, 83-200 Starogard Gdanski

tel. 058 775 09 19, fax 058 560 18 14, infolinia: 0801033 200 e-mail: polmed@polmed.pl, www.polmed.pl

MAGDON of Directors


Kapitaf akcyjny 28 350 061PLN wpfacony w cafosci, NlP: 592-19-63-724, REGON: 192110780, KRS Nr 0000271013 ·; Organ wydajqcy KRS: Sqd Rejonowy Gdansk P6fnoc w Gdansku, Wydziaf VII Gospodarczy KRS

Czfonkowie Zarzqdu: Radosfaw Szubert- Prezes, Romuald Magdon- Wiceprezes "'

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