Pursuant to the Capital Market Law and the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, Podravka Inc., Ante Star?evi?a 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252, hereby informs that Ms Jadranka Ivankovi?, Member of the Management Board of Podravka Inc., has acquired 365 ordinary shares of Podravka Inc. with the symbol PODR-R-A.

The shares have been acquired by trading at the Zagreb Stock Exchange on 14th January  2014 as follows:
-     for 250 shares of Podravka Inc     - at an average price of HRK 273,13
-     for   90 shares of Podravka Inc.       - at an average price of HRK 273,27 and
-     for   25 shares of Podravka Inc.    - at an average price of HRK 273,28.

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