Pasinex Resources Limited announced the occurrence of a second, large lead-zinc anomaly that has been identified on its 50%-owned Pasali property in Adana, Turkey, under the Company's joint venture with Akmetal AS. The Pasali anomaly is approximately 2,500 meters long, and up to 400 meters wide, occurring over an apparent dolomitisation front mapped by Pasinex geologists, in carbonate rocks with conflicting Tertiary and Cambrian ages on different government maps. Dolomitisation fronts are recognized as important localization and targeting controls on Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc deposits.

Sample spacing over the anomaly is primarily 50 meters on 100 meter-spaced lines, with infill sampling at 25 meters in places. The coincident lead and zinc anomaly thresholds are approximately 300ppm for both metals, with values frequently rising above 1000ppm, also for both metals. All samples were analyzed with a Niton XL3t 950 GOLDD+ XRF analyzer by Pasinex AS.

Quality control was carried out by check analysis at the ALS Chemex laboratory in Turkey. Pasinex is satisfied with the accuracy and precision of the Niton analyser's results. This hitherto unknown anomaly may be indicative of the presence at Pasali of a large mineralized lead/zinc system, testing for which by drilling is planned for 2013.

It provides further evidence of the effectiveness of Pasinex's exploration methods in Turkey and of the mineral potential of the area selected by Pasinex to work in. The Pasali property is one of 15 properties that Horzum AS has recently staked to look for zinc mineralization in the region of Horzum, Adana. All these properties are targeting limestone with the potential to host Mississippi Valley type lead - zinc mineralization, as well as other types of lead-zinc mineralization.

The Horzum area has historic zinc mining but has not been systematically explored for lead - zinc mineralization using modern exploration methodologies.