  • Octahedral diamond recovered in regional soil sample MAL-157;
  • Fourth and largest diamond recovered to date at Malatswae;
  • From a second, separate area within the Malatswae project.

The diamond was recognized by an independent observer in Botswana during routine kimberlite indicator mineral observation, and confirmed by MCC Geoscience as an octahedron. The diamond was subsequently submitted to C. F. Mineral Research for size determination and weighing, where it was also confirmed using a scanning electron microscope.

A photo of the four diamonds and an aeromagnetic image of the Malatswae project area with their locations is available here. Pangolin's soil sampling team has returned to the area to collect additional samples, and results will be reported as they become available.

Quality Control and Quality Assurances

Quality assurance procedures, security, transport, storage, and processing protocols conform to chain of custody requirements. Grains were examined at MCC Geoscience Inc. by Tom E. McCandless, Ph.D. P.Geo. (B.C.). The diamond sieve class and weight determinations were completed by CF Minerals Research Ltd. who is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard by the Standards Council of Canada as a testing laboratory.

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