Regulatory News:

Groupe Outremer Telecom (FR0010425587 - Paris:OMT), the leading alternative telecom operator in the French Overseas Regions (FOR), today publishes its consolidated and audited* results for the first half of 2011.

Simplified income statement

(in ?m IFRS)

  H1 2011   H1 2010   ? (?m)








Gross margin

    % of total revenue










    % of total revenue









Operating income







Net income








Revenue: ?94.2m

Over the first half of 2011, Outremer Telecom's sales totalled ?94.2m, an increase of 3.7%.

The Group recorded growth of 10.0% in the French West Indies and French Guiana zone, whilst activity in the Indian Ocean zone slipped 2.4%.

Revenue from Mobile activity was up 8.8% despite the still-significant impact of the reduction in call termination tariffs. Professional activity was also up 8.4% compared to the first half of 2010.

Lastly, over the first half of 2011, Internet revenue saw a return to growth of around 10.8%.

At 30th June 2011, the Group had 585,187 subscribers to its offers, 467,052 of whom were active subscribers.

Gross margin: ?57.3m (+6.8%)

The gross margin improved by 6.8% over the first half of 2011, thus recording a faster rate of growth than revenue. The gross margin rate reached 60.8% due to the combined effect of increasing revenue and control over network and technical costs (-0.8%).

EBITDA: up 24.3%

The Group's EBITDA continued to improve over the first half of 2011 and is close to sectorial norms. It totalled ?26.5m, an increase of 24.3%, giving an EBITDA margin of 28.1% over the half, compared to 23.5% over the first half of 2010.

This improvement was the result of the increase in the gross margin and the 5% fall in operating costs essentially associated with the decrease in provisions for client debts.

EBITDA split

IFRS / ?m   30/06/11   30/06/10   ?


  20.9   15.5   +35%
% of revenue   35%   28%    

Indian Ocean

7.3 6.5 +13%
% of revenue   22%   19%    

Other (incl. head office costs)

  -1.7   -0.6   ns


26.5 21.3 +24%
% of revenue   28%   23%    
IFRS / ?m   30/06/11   30/06/10   ?
Residential 7.8 7.0 +11%
% of revenue   31%   27%    
Mobile 16.1 11.4 +42%
% of revenue   27%   21%    
Professional 4.4 3.6 +21%
% of revenue   56%   50%    
Other (incl. head office costs)   -1.8   -0.7   ns
TOTAL 26.5 21.3+24%
% of revenue   28%   23%    

The French West Indies and French Guiana zone provided the largest contribution to Group EBITDA over the first half of 2011, with a 35% increase in its performance.

Increase in operating income and net income

With depreciations and other allowances totalling some ?12m, a decrease of 12% compared to the first half of 2010, the Group's operating income was up 88.0% to ?14.5m.

Over the first half of 2011, Outremer Telecom benefited from the debt reduction measures instigated since FY 2010, with the net borrowing costs almost halved to ?0.7m.

Lastly, the Group wrote down a tax charge of ?3.6m for the first half of 2011.

Net income for the first six months of 2011 thus totalled ?10.5m, giving a net margin of 11.2%, compared to 5.2% a year earlier.

Improvement in cash flow and the financial structure

The Group's cash flow recorded an improvement, with free cash flow totalling ?17.2m over the first half of 2011 (up 22.9% on the 1st half of 2010).

The Group continued to reduce its debt, both by reimbursing ?3.0m in loans and by increasing its cash position by ?6.8m to ?44.5m at 30th June 2011.

Outremer Telecom's net debt stood at ?9.8m at 30th June 2011, versus ?34.0m at 30th June 2010.

Outlook for the 2nd half of 2011

Over the 1st half of 2011, Outremer Telecom reached an EBITDA margin of 28.1%, which is close to the levels recorded by telecom sector leaders.

These results were almost entirely due to the outperformance of the Group's most mature zone, the French West Indies and French Guiana zone. Indeed, for a number of quarters, Outremer Telecom has experienced a recurrent underperformance in the Indian Ocean zone, notably on the island of Reunion. It has therefore been decided to modify the organisation of the Indian Ocean zone. The job of Executive Vice President Indian Ocean Zone is henceforth the responsibility of Mr Matthieu Cocq, Deputy CEO for Strategy and Development.

Moreover, some of the fiscal measures announced by the French Prime Minister on Wednesday 24th August 2011 could be applicable from the closing of accounts to 31st December 2011. The planned abolition of the allowance the Group benefits from vis-à-vis some of its taxable income from the French Overseas Regions could thus affect the Group's accounts.

The Group is nevertheless reaffirming its EBITDA target for 2011, conditional on the evolution of the global economic situation.

Change in the Group's shareholding

Having been granted authorisation by the French competition authority, on 1st August OMT Invest registered a Simplified Takeover Bid project with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers stock market regulators. This Simplified Takeover Bid will begin in September 2011 and concerns all of the Company's remaining shares at a price of ?12 a share excluding any dividend distribution.

* Following the favourable opinion issued by the Audit Committee at its meeting of 30th August 2011, the Board of Directors, which met on 31st August 2011 under the chairmanship of Mr Jean-Michel Hégésippe, approved the Group's accounts for its first half to 30th June 2011. Audit procedures have been carried out. The auditors have completed their audit and are preparing to issue their reports.

About Outremer Telecom

Founded in 1986, Groupe Outremer Telecom has established itself in the French Overseas Regions (Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Reunion and Mayotte) as the leading alternative telecom operator able to offer a full range of fixed line, mobile and Internet access services for both residential and business customers. Groupe Outremer Telecom has developed its own telecom network and has a single brand; Only. The group intends to develop the convergence of its various offers, its business customers and pursue its innovative and competitive services.

Next press release
Revenue for the third quarter of 2011: Tuesday 15th November 2011

APPENDICES: half-year accounts


(in EUR 000)   30/06/2011   31/12/2010
Goodwill 41,634 41,634
Other intangible fixed assets 25,078 24,438
Tangible fixed assets 67,048 64,110
Non-current financial assets 1,293 1,259
Deferred tax 6,070   9,394
Total non-current assets 141,123   140,835
Stocks 3,486 2,719
Accounts receivable from clients 25,124 26,412
Tax receivables 31 31
Other current assets 6 ,850 6,338
Cash & cash equivalents 44,760   38,379
Total current assets 80,250   73,880
TOTAL ASSETS 221,373   214,714
in EUR 000) 30/06/2010   31/12/2010
Capital 2,756 2,756
Share premium 108,721 108,721
Consolidated reserves (27,746) (34,573)
Conversion reserve 41 41
Profit for the financial year 10,506 13,889
Equity capital - Group share 94,279 90,834
Minority interests 345   398
Total equity capital 94,623   91,232
Loans and debts 28,848 24,735
Employee benefits 1,703 1,640
Provisions 3,792 3,448
Deferred tax 247 339
Other non-current liabilities 2,545   3,218
Total non-current liabilities 37,135   33,381
Loans and debts 25,739 25,190
Provisions 2,032 1,866
Due from suppliers and related accounts 39,605 40,621
Other current liabilities 21,793 22,400
Tax due 446 25
Total current liabilities 89,615   90,102
TOTAL LIABILITIES 221,373   214,714


(in EUR 000)   30/06/2011   31/12/2010   30/06/2010
Turnover 94,220 188,125 90,874
External purchases (50,209) (104,023) (50,841)
Employee costs (14,238) (28,976) (14,565)
Duties and taxes (1,595) (3,459) (1,472)
Provisions (317) (569) (260)
Other operating expenses (2,377) (8,248) (3,200)
Other operating income 1,020   4,312   785
Operating profit before depreciation 26,504   47,163   21,321
Depreciation and amortisation (11,997)   (25,655)   (13,606)
Operating profit 14,507 (21,508) (7,715)
Net borrowing costs (726) (2,282) (1,420)
Other financial income and charges 292 (247) (419)
Change in the Fair Value of debt hybrid instruments          
Pre-tax profit 14,073   18,978   5,876
Income tax (3,563)   (4,860)   (1,107)
Net profit for the financial year 10,511   14,119   4,769
Net profit - Group share 10,506 13,889 4,701
Net profit - minority interests 4 229 69
Earnings per share
Earnings per share 0,50 0,67 0,23
Diluted earnings per share 0,50 0,66 0,23


(in EUR 000)   30/06/2011   31/12/2010   30/06/2010
Net profit for the financial year   10,511   14,119   4,769
Other elements of the overall profit:    
Conversion differences -   101   137
Total   -   101   137
Total profit for the financial year   10,511   14,220   4,906
Of which Group share 10,506 13,990 4,838
Of which minority interest share 4 229 69


(in EUR 000)   30/06/2011   30/06/2010
Total consolidated net profit 10,510   4,769
Elimination of effects of :
- Unrealised profits (losses) on financial instruments (443) 418
- Net allocations to depreciation and provisions 12,257 13,871
- Other income and expenses 327 119
- Profits/losses on sales 114 (42)
- Tax income 3,562 1,107
- Interest charge 877 1,454
Effect of changes in stocks (766) 214
Effect of change in customer receivables and other debtors 774 2,047
Effect of change in supplier debts and other creditors (3,054)   (2,065)
Cash flows from operating activities before tax and interest24,158   21,893
Tax paid 90 (133)
Interest paid (731) (1,404)
Cash flows from operating activities 23,517   20,356
Effects of changes in consolidation structure - -
Acquisitions of tangible and intangible fixed assets (6,328) (6,753)
Investment subsidies received - -
Change in loans and advances granted (34) 189
Disposals of tangible and intangible fixed assets -   169
Cash flows from investment activities (6,362)   (6,395)
Bond issues 55 395
Bond redemptions (2,980) (4,410)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders (56) (98)
Dividends paid to Group shareholders (7,313) -
Sale (acquisition) of own shares (net) (74)   (96)
Cash flows from financial activities (10,368)   (4,209)
6,787   9,752

Opening cash flow



Effect of changes in interest rates (1)   28
Cash flow at year end 44,538   34,637

Groupe Outremer Telecom
Vincent Fabre
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
Financial Communications Agency
Simon-Laurent Zaks / Pierre Laurent
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94
Fax: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 90