Orchid Pharma Limited, announced the launch of its new drug - Cefepime-Enmetazobactam, which has been approved for the treatment of complicated Urinary Tract infec ons (cUTI), Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) and Ven lator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) indica ons. In a landmark collabora on, Orchid Pharma has partnered with Cipla Limited to ensure widespread and rapid distribu on of this breakthrough an bio c combina on across India. The launch of Cefepime-Enmetazobactam marks a significant milestone for India's pharmaceu cal industry in the fight against AMR, a growing global health issue, reinforcing India's leadership in medical innova on.

Orchid Pharma and Cipla are confident that this collabora on will set a new benchmark for addressing cri cal healthcare challenges through strategic partnerships and advanced research. The partnership between Orchid Pharma and Cipla combines Orchid's innova ve drug development capabili es with Cipla's extensive distribu on network and market presence. This collabora on aims to ensure that this life-saving medica on reaches healthcare providers across India as quickly and efficiently as possible.