Opus Group AB (publ) has given an unconditional and irrevocable notice to the bondholders of its outstanding SEK 500 million senior unsecured bonds due in May 2021, ISIN SE0008374425, (the “Bonds”) that it has exercised its option for full early redemption of the Bonds. The redemption date (the “Redemption Date”) on which the redemption will occur will be on January 30, 2019. The Bonds will be redeemed at an amount equal to 102.375% of the Nominal Amount, plus any accrued but unpaid interest. The relevant record date for bondholders of the Bonds being entitled to receive the early redemption payment is January 23, 2019, being the date falling 5 business days prior to the Redemption Date. In connection to the early redemption, the Bonds will be delisted from the corporate bond list at NASDAQ Stockholm.