Groupe CRIT SA (ENXTPA:CEN) singed a memorandum of understanding to acquire a 26.6% stake in Openjobmetis S.p.A. (BIT:OJM) from Omniafin Spa, and Mti Investimenti S.R.L. for ?54.09 million on December 21, 2023. As of February 22, 2024, Groupe CRIT SA (ENXTPA:CEN) singed sale and purchase agreements to acquire a 23.6% stake in Openjobmetis S.p.A. (BIT:OJM) from Omniafin Spa, and Mti Investimenti S.R.L. Under the terms, Groupe CRIT will pay ?16.5 per share. In related transaction, Groupe CRIT singed a memorandum of understanding to acquire a 34.14% stake in Openjobmetis from Plavisgas S.R.L for ?16.5 per share. On completion, Groupe Crit would launch a mandatory tender offer at a price per share equal to the Consideration, targeting all of the outstanding Openjobmetis ordinary shares and aimed at delisting. It is envisaged that the current management of Openjobmetis (i.e., the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, and the Chief Financial Officer) will remain in office with managerial and operational continuity for at least the next three years, until the date of the shareholders' meeting called to resolve upon the approval of the financial statements as of December 31, 2026. The current Chief Executive Officer Rosario Rasizza will be confirmed to lead the Company for the three-year period 2024-2026. The Board of Directors has authorized the conduct of a confirmatory due diligence on certain information concerning Openjobmetis. The signing of the binding agreements concerning the potential acquisition is conditioned on the conduct of a confirmatory due diligence, which is estimated to be completed by the end of January 2024, as well as on the obtainment of antitrust and golden power authorizations applicable to the transaction. As of April 19, 2024, the condition precedent relating to the golden power regulation has been satisfied. Closing of this acquisition is planned for early 2024. As of April 24, 2024, CRIT completed the acquisition of 5.15% stake in Openjobmetis from Mti Investimenti.

Groupe CRIT SA (ENXTPA:CEN) completed the acquisition of a 26.6% stake in Openjobmetis S.p.A. (BIT:OJM) from Omniafin Spa, and Mti Investimenti S.R.L. on May 7, 2024.