OMNIQ Corp. announced that after the successful deployment of Q Shield vehicle recognition systems (VRS) technology in the City of Adrian, Georgia and its cloud based citation management platform to identify any vehicle driving through the city, which is on a National Crime Information Center (NCIC) data base or the Georgia Bureau of Investigations Database (GBI Database) and issues citations to scofflaws driving through the city with an expired registration or no insurance, it is now set to deploy Q Shield in another Georgia city. The AI-based machine vision VRS solution uses patented Neural Network algorithms that imitate human brains for pattern recognition and decision-making.

More than 17,000 OMNIQ AI-based machine vision sensors are installed worldwide, including approximately 7,000 in the U.S. based on superior accuracy and patented features like identification of make and color combined with superior accuracy based on the sophisticated algorithm and machine learning that largely depends on accumulated data provided by thousands of sensors already deployed. Q Shield, OMNIQ's VRS solution, will be installed in 3 different sites resulting in 9 lanes throughout the city to capture vehicle data, including license plate number, color, make, and model efficiently and accurately. Q Shield's technology will also be used to provide local law enforcement with timely alerts for any vehicle on a federal, state, and local law enforcement wanted list in addition to enforcing the violations above.