Flamingo AI Limited announced that Mr. Olivier Cauderlier has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Company effective 11 July, 2019. This appointment follows the announcement on the 22 February 2019, that Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Catriona Wallace, would transition out of the CEO role at a time when a suitable replacement CEO was found. Effective immediately, Dr. Wallace will take up the role of Founder & Head of Business Development and will remain on the Flamingo Ai Board.

Dr. Wallace is the Founder of Flamingo Ai and has been in the Executive Director and CEO role since the inception of the Company. Dr. Wallace has led the business through its various growth and transition phases including the setting up of the Company in the US and its listing in Australia. Dr. Wallace has also been the primary force in the Company winning marquee accounts such as Nationwide and HSBC.

Dr. Wallace and Mr. Cauderlier have been working closely over the last few months and have a very positive relationship and highly complementary skill set. Dr. Wallace will undertake a transition period working full time to support Mr. Cauderlier until 31 August 2019, and thereafter Dr. Wallace will reduce days worked in the business to a minimum of 3 days per week.