Octanex Limited announced that a second program of lag sampling has commenced at its Sefton Project, located 75km to the east of Laverton in the Eastern Goldfields province of Western Australia. This phase of sampling is expected to take approximately three weeks and has the following aims: Collect reconnaissance lag sample over as much of the Sefton Project area as possible. Infill lag sample areas previously identified as gold and copper-gold anomalies to better define them. Collect more repeat lag samples for quality control purposes, with a focus on the identified gold anomalies. Reconnaissance lag sample sites have been preselected based on aerial photography, airborne radiometric and DTM data. Some sites have been selected to test structures that have been interpreted from the airborne magnetics and gravity data. It is expected that some sample sites will be rejected because of an absence of lag. Pathfinder elements are considered a key tool for detecting gold mineralisation and quantitatively classifying alteration assemblages and host rocks under cover. Defining these mineralisation footprints increases the probability of determining the direction of gold mineralisation from broad-spaced basement sampling. Lag sampling consists of sweeping the loose coarse lag on the surface of the ground with a broom into piles and collecting 1-2kg of the -7.1mm +1.6mm sieved fraction in calico bags. These 1-2kg calico samples are placed in green RC bags for transport to assay laboratory in Kalgoorlie. Details of each sample site will be documented.