Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA announced that Geir Karlsen is new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Karlsen comes from the position as Group CFO at Navig8 Group. Tore Østby, who has acted as CFO since July 2017, continues in the Group Management in a new position as Executive Vice President Strategic Development.

Østby has 15 years of experience from the financial sector as senior analyst and analyst manager. In addition, he has seven years of experience from the Orkla Group. The third change in Norwegian's Group Management is on the IT side through the appointment of Kurt Simonsen (59) as new CIO.

Simonsen has long and broad experience from major change and digitization processes, and has during the past 17 years been a partner and co-owner of the consulting company Infocom Group AS. He also has experience from Hewlett-Packard and Telenor. Simonsen is an electronics engineer.

Simonsen commences January 2 and Karlsen commences April 3 at the latest. Østby will continue to act as CFO until Karlsen is on board.