Northern Spirits Limited at its board meeting held on May 5, 2022 appointed Mr. Anuj Bakshi as the new Chief Financial Officer and Key Managerial Personnel with effect from May 5, 2022. As CFO of the company, he will be discharging the following functions: Maintenance of day to day accounts of the Company. Liaison with the Company's Bankers for day-to-day banking operations.

Arranging long term and short-term funds from banks, financial institutions, NBFCs and others for meeting the company's requirement of funds for its business and generally managing the finances of the Company. Ensuring compliance with various statutory requirements such as filing of return, payment of taxes, maintenance of records etc. under Companies Act, 2013, Income Tax Act, 1961, VAT Act, Service Tax Act, Employee Provident Fund Act, Employees State Insurance Act, etc.

Establishing and managing internal control system and procedures for the Company and ensuring compliance with various Accounting Standards and policies as prescribed under various statues. Attending to Statutory Auditors, Internal Auditors and Tax Auditors. Represent the Company before its Bankers, Income Tax, VAT, Service Tax and other government departments as may be required in connection with discharge of your duties as CFO of the Company.

As CFO of the company, he will be discharging the following functions: Maintenance of day to day accounts of the Company. Liaison with the Company's Bankers for day-to-day banking operations. Arranging long term and short-term funds from banks, financial institutions, NBFCs and others for meeting the company's requirement of funds for its business and generally managing the finances of the Company.

Ensuring compliance with various statutory requirements such as filing of return, payment of taxes, maintenance of records etc. under Companies Act, 2013, Income Tax Act, 1961, VAT Act, Service Tax Act, Employee Provident Fund Act, Employees State Insurance Act, etc. Establishing and managing internal control system and procedures for the Company and ensuring compliance with various Accounting Standards and policies as prescribed under various statues.

Attending to Statutory Auditors, Internal Auditors and Tax Auditors. Represent the Company before its Bankers, Income Tax, VAT, Service Tax and other government departments as may be required in connection with discharge of your duties as CFO of the Company. Providing the Management with MIS and other reports as may be required from time to time.

Ensuring timely preparation of monthly, quarterly, half yearly and Annual Financial Statements including Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. Follow up with Company's Customers for collection of outstanding dues from them.