Lustrum Minerals Limited provided an update on drilling at the company's Consuelo Project, located near the operating Rolleston Coal Mine in the Bowen Basin, Queensland. Maiden Consuelo Project two hole drilling campaign intersects three significant coal seams, Coal intersected in both holes, providing confirmation of initial geological model, Exceptional geophysical responses point to coal properties and quality comparable with the seams already being successfully exploited in the region. Drilling campaign expanded following the success of the initial two-hole program. Two additional holes to be drilled immediately south of CON001, with one of these holes to be cored to establish coal quality/properties. Planning underway to move quickly to resource definition drilling. Consuelo Project Drilling Program: The initial drilling campaign at the Consuelo Project (consisting of two open percussion holes) was designed to target potentially open-pitable coal seams and provide tratigraphic control in the Western portion of the Company's EPC 2327 and 2318. Recently completed hole, CON001 located within EPC 2327, intersected three significant coal seams for a total of 7.11 metres of coal at depths of less than 150 metres. This is an extremely positive outcome for the Consuelo Project, with this being the first hole drilled within what was previously considered an early stage exploration project. The seam sequence has been confirmed to correlate very well to the Bandanna Formation (the same seam sequence being mined at the nearby Rolleston Coal Mine). Work on the final correlation and naming of the seams is in progress. Geophysical logging of CON001 provided exceptional responses pointing to coal properties and qualities comparable with the better seams being exploited in the region.