Tele2 AB has chosen Nokia as partner for the deployment of its 5G core network. Nokia's cloud infrastructure and mobile applications will enable the full potential of 5G for Tele2 customers going forward, including improved data and voice connectivity as well as enterprise solutions such as network slicing and edge computing. The deployment is expected to start during 2021. Nokia's 5G core offers automation capabilities that drive greater scale and reliability, allowing Tele2 to lay the foundation for 5G and enable faster time to market with new services. The open architecture also provides the flexibility to be responsive to market demands while controlling costs at a time of growing network complexity. As part of Tele2's core evolution, Nokia's cloud solutions will be deployed to support 4G and 5G core network functions and enhance network scale, performance, reliability, and security for both technologies. The deployment of Tele2's new 5G core is expected to start during 2021 and will continue during a number of years. The new core infrastructure will support and improve both 4G and 5G connectivity, which will result in higher speeds and lower latencies for consumers and businesses. The new core will also enable the enterprise solutions of tomorrow, such as network slicing that secures capability for certain traffic and customers, massive numbers of IoT-connected devices, or edge computing enabling a new level of local automation.