Note: This document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translation and the Japanese original, the Japanese original shall prevail.

The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

(Securities Code No. 7240)

(Issue Date) June 6, 2024

(Start Date of Electronic Provision Measures) June 4, 2024

To Shareholders

Masao Tsuru

Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer


12-15,Shiba-Daimon1-chome, Minato Ward, Tokyo

Notice of the 118th Annual Shareholders' Meeting

We are pleased to inform you that the 118th Annual Shareholders' Meeting of NOK CORPORATION will be held as per the schedule given below.

In the course of convening this Annual Shareholders' Meeting, we have taken measures for providing information that constitutes the content of reference materials, etc. for the shareholders' meeting in electronic format by posting it on the following websites. Please visit any of the following websites to familiarize yourself with this electronically provided information.

The Company's website: (in Japanese)

(Please visit this website and then click "Investor Relations," "Stock Information," and "Materials of Shareholders Meeting" in that order.)

Dedicated website for Reference Materials for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting: (in Japanese)

Tokyo Stock Exchange website (TSE Listed Company Search): (in Japanese)

(Please visit this website and enter "NOK" into the "Issue name (company name)" field or "7240" into the "Code" field, click "Search," "Basic information," and "Documents for public inspection/PR information" in that order. Under "Filed information available for public inspection," click a button for "Notice of General Shareholders Meeting/Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting.")

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may exercise your right to vote online or in writing. Please review the attached Reference Materials for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and exercise your voting rights by 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

  1. Time: 10:00 a.m., June 26, 2024 (Wednesday)
  2. Place: Meeting room at the Company's head office

12-15,Shiba-Daimon1-chome, Minato Ward, Tokyo

3. Agenda:


  1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and Audit Reports concerning Consolidated Financial Statements by the Independent Auditor and the Board of Corporate Auditors for the 118th Term (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
  2. Financial Statements for the 118th Term (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Items for Resolution

First Item Appropriation of surplus

Second Item Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

Third Item Election of four (4) Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee Members


Fourth Item Election of five (5) Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

Fifth Item Setting of amount of remuneration for Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

Sixth Item Setting of amount of remuneration for Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

Seventh Item Revision of share-based remuneration for Directors and Operating Officers

4. Exercise of voting rights

If you exercise your voting rights both in writing and via the Internet, the vote you cast via the Internet will be considered as the valid exercise of your voting rights.

If you exercise your voting rights via the Internet more than once, your most recent vote will be considered the valid exercise of your voting rights.


  • If you plan to attend the meeting in person, please present the enclosed voting form at the reception desk.
  • If electronically provided information is revised, the Company will post a notice of the revisions and the original and revised versions of the information on the websites listed above.
  • The Company has attached the Reference Materials for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to this notice so that you have what you need to check the details of proposals.
  • The physical copies of electronically provided information the Company sends to all shareholders who request them do not include the following information under the provisions of laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company.
    (i) "System for Ensuring Properness of Operations" for Business Report
    (ii) "Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets" and "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" in the Consolidated Financial Statements
    (iii) "Statement of Changes in Net Assets" and "Notes to Financial Statements" in the Financial Statements
    In the course of preparing their Audit Report Concerning Financial Statements and Audit Report, the Independent Auditor and Corporate Auditors audited the three items listed above in addition to the documents listed in the business report and consolidated and non-consolidated financial statements.
  • Please note that you may be refused entry into the meeting venue if you show fever symptoms or seem unwell.
  • No gifts will be distributed at this Annual Shareholders' Meeting.


Reference Materials for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting

First Item: Appropriation of surplus

We propose to appropriate surplus as follows.

Matters concerning year-end dividends

Regarding the year-end dividend for this fiscal year, we believe that it is important, in principle, to maintain stable dividend payments at appropriate levels in response to our mid- to long-term performance, while retaining a sufficient amount of reserves to prepare for future business expansion and strengthen our financial foundation is equally important. Therefore, we will determine the year-end dividend after taking these factors into overall consideration. Additionally, the Medium-Term Management Plan covering April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026 includes a dividend policy that calls for a dividend on equity (DOE) ratio of at least 2.5%. The Board of Directors decided on this policy at their meeting on April 19, 2023 in order to enhance shareholder returns.

After taking this basic policy for profit sharing and other factors into overall consideration, we propose to pay dividends as follows:

  1. Type of dividend property: monetary dividends
  2. Matters concerning assignment of dividend property to shareholders and amounts thereof ¥50.00 per common share

Total sum: ¥8,381,174,900

As ¥37.50 per share was paid as an interim dividend, total dividends per share for this fiscal year will be ¥87.50.

  1. Date from which dividends from surplus come into effect June 27, 2024


Second Item: Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

  1. Reasons for the amendment
    The Company has decided to transition to a company with an audit & supervisory committee in order to enhance its corporate governance and enable swift decision-making by further distinguishing between the roles of supervision and execution, through which the Board of Directors will be able to focus exclusively on important management policies and plans, and on the supervision of business execution. In conjunction with this transition, the Company will propose to amend its Articles of Incorporation, making the necessary changes such as establishing new provisions concerning the Audit & Supervisory Committee and the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, deleting the provisions concerning the Board of Corporate Auditors and the Corporate Auditors, and renumbering the articles accordingly.
  2. Details of the amendment
    The details of the amendment are as follows. This proposal shall come into effect at the conclusion of this Annual Shareholders' Meeting.

(Amended parts are underlined.)

Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendment

(Number of Directors and Election)

(Number of Directors and Election)

Article 19.

Article 19.


The number of Directors of the Company shall


The number of Directors of the Company

be no more than fifteen (15).

(excluding those who are Audit & Supervisory


A resolution for the election of Directors at a

Committee Members)shall be no more than

General Shareholder's Meeting shall require

six (6).

the presence of shareholders representing one-


The number of Directors who are Audit &

third (1/3) or more of the voting rights of all

Supervisory Committee Members of the

shareholders, and it shall be adopted by a

Company (hereinafter, "Audit & Supervisory

majority vote of the shareholders present.

Committee Members") shall be no more than


A resolution for the election of Directors shall

five (5).

not be made by cumulative voting.


Directors shall be elected by a resolution at a

General Meeting of Shareholders, with a

distinction made between Audit & Supervisory

Committee Members and other Directors.A

resolution for the election of Directors at a

General Shareholder's Meeting shall require

the presence of shareholders representing one-

third (1/3) or more of the voting rights of all

shareholders, and it shall be adopted by a

majority vote of the shareholders present.


A resolution for the election of Directors shall

not be made by cumulative voting.

(Representative Directors and Directors with Titles)

(Representative Directors and Directors with Titles)

Article 20.

Article 20.


Representative Directors of the Company shall


Representative Directors of the Company shall

be appointed by resolution of the Board of

be appointed by resolution of the Board of


Directors, from among Directors who are not


The Company may, by a resolution of the

Audit & Supervisory Committee Members.

Board of Directors, appoint one Chairman of


The Company may, by a resolution of the

the Board, one President, and several Vice

Board of Directors, appoint one Chairman of

Presidents, Senior Managing Directors and

the Board andone President, from among

Managing Directors.

Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory

Committee Members.


Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendment

(Term of Office of Directors)

(Term of Office of Directors)

Article 21.

Article 21.


The term of office of Directors shall expire at


The term of office of Directors who are not

the conclusion of the Ordinary General

Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

Shareholder's Meeting for the last business

shall expire at the conclusion of the Ordinary

year within one (1) year after their assumption

General Shareholder's Meeting for the last

of the office.

business year within one (1) year after their


The term of office of Directors who are elected

assumption of the office.

to fill a vacancy or to increase the number of


The term of office of Audit & Supervisory

Directors shall be until the expiring of the term

Committee Members shall expire at the

of office of the other Directors in office.

conclusion of the Ordinary General

Shareholder's Meeting for the last business

year within two (2) years after their

assumption of the office.


The term of office of Directors who are not

Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

who are elected to fill a vacancy or to increase

the number of Directors shall be until the

expiring of the term of office of the other

Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory

Committee Membersin office.


The term of office of Audit & Supervisory

Committee Members who are elected to fill a

vacancy shall be until the expiring of the term

of office of the retired Audit & Supervisory

Committee Member.


The effective period of a resolution for the

election of a substitute Audit & Supervisory

Committee Member, who is elected pursuant

to Article 329, paragraph 3 of the Companies

Act, shall be until the commencement of the

Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting for

the last business year within two (2) years after

their assumption of the office, unless such

period is shortened by the resolution.

(Remuneration for Directors)

(Remuneration for Directors)

Article 22. Remunerations for Directors shall be

Article 22. Remunerations for Directors shall be

determined by a resolution at a General

determined by a resolution at a General

Shareholder's Meeting.

Shareholder's Meeting, with a distinction

made between Audit & Supervisory

Committee Members and other Directors.

(Newly established)

(Delegation of Decisions on Execution of Business

Affairs to Directors)

Article 25. The Company may, pursuant to Article 399-

13, paragraph 6 of the Companies Act,

delegate all or part of decisions on the

execution of important business affairs

(excluding matters set forth in the items of

paragraph 5 of the same Article) to Directors

by resolution of the Board of Directors.

(Authority of Board of Directors)

(Regulations of Board of Directors)

Article 25.

Article 26. In addition to the matters provided for by


The Board of Directors shall make decision on

laws or ordinances, or these Articles of

the execution of business affairs of the

Incorporation, the Board of Directors shall

Company, as well as the matters provided by

be governed by the Regulations of the Board

laws or ordinances or these Articles of

of Directors established separately by the


Board of Directors.


Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendment

2.The Board of Directors shall be governed by the Regulations of the Board of Directors established separately by the Board of Directors.

Article 26. (Omitted)

Article 27. (Unchanged)

(Convocation Notice of Board of Directors)

(Convocation Notice of Board of Directors)

Article 27.

Article 28.


Convocation notice of meetings of the Board


Convocation notice of meetings of the Board

of Directors shall be sent to each Director and

of Directors shall be sent to each Director at

Corporate Auditorfour (4) days prior to the

leastfour (4) days prior to the date of the

date of the meeting; provided, however, that

meeting; provided, however, that such period

such period may be shortened in case of

may be shortened in case of emergency.



If the consent of all Directors is obtained, a


If the consent of all Directors and Corporate

meeting of the Board of Directors may be held

Auditorsis obtained, a meeting of the Board of

without the foregoing convocation procedures.

Directors may be held without the foregoing

convocation procedures.

Article 28. (Omitted)

Article 29. (Unchanged)

(Omission of Resolutions of Board of Directors)

(Omission of Resolutions of Board of Directors)

Article 29. Where all Directors (limited to those who

Article 30. Where all Directors (limited to those who

are entitled to participate in voting for a

are entitled to participate in voting for a

resolution) have given consent in writing or

resolution) have given consent in writing or

electromagnetic records for an issue that

electromagnetic records for an issue that

requires a resolution of the Board of

requires a resolution of the Board of

Directors, the Company shall deem the

Directors, the Company shall deem the

Board of Directors to have adopted a

Board of Directors to have adopted a

resolution on the said issue, unless an

resolution on the said issue.

objection is raised by a Corporate Auditor.



Article 30. The substance of proceedings, the results of

Article 31. The substance of proceedings, the results of

meetings of the Board of Directors and other

meetings of the Board of Directors and other

items provided for in laws or ordinances

items provided for in laws or ordinances

shall be entered or recorded in the minutes,

shall be entered or recorded in the minutes,

and the chairperson of the meeting and

and the chairperson of the meeting and

Directors and Corporate Auditorspresent

Directors present shall place their signature

shall place their signature and seals thereon

and seals thereon or put their electronic

or put their electronic signatures thereon.

signatures thereon. The minutes of the

The minutes of the meeting shall be kept at

meeting shall be kept at the head office of

the head office of the Company for ten (10)

the Company for ten (10) years.


Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Corporate Auditors and Board of Corporate Auditors

Audit & Supervisory Committee

(Appointment of Corporate Auditors andEstablishment

(Establishment of Audit & Supervisory Committee)

of Board of Corporate Auditors)

Article 32. The Company shall establish the Audit &

Article 31. The Company shall have Corporate Auditors

Supervisory Committee.

andshall establish the Board of Corporate



Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendment

(Number of Corporate Auditors and Election)


Article 32.

  1. The number of Corporate Auditors of the Company shall be no more than five (5).
  2. A resolution for the election of Corporate Auditors at General Shareholder's Meeting shall require the presence of shareholders representing one-third (1/3) or more of the voting rights of all shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights, and it shall be adopted by a majority of vote of the shareholders present.

(Term of Office of Corporate Auditors)


Article 33.

  1. The term of office of Corporate Auditors shall expire at the conclusion of the Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting for the last business term ending within four (4) years after their assumption of the office.
  2. The term of office of Corporate Auditors who are elected to fill a vacancy of the Corporate Auditor who retired before the expiration of their term of office shall be until the expiring of the term of office of the retired Corporate Auditor.

(Remuneration for Corporate Auditors)


Article 34.

Remunerations for Corporate Auditors shall

be determined by a resolution at a General

Shareholder's Meeting.

(Exemption from Liability of Corporate Auditors)


Article 35.

  1. The Company may, by a resolution of the Board of Directors and pursuant to Article 426, Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Law, grant its Corporate Auditors (including former Corporate Auditors) exemption from liability provided for in Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the said law to the extent permitted by applicable laws or ordinances.
  2. The Company may, pursuant to Article 427, Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Law, enter into a contract with Outside Corporate Auditors to limit their liability provided for in Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the said law. However, the limit of the liability based on such a contract shall be the amount set by laws or ordinances.

(Standing Corporate Auditors)

(Standing Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)

Article 36. The Board of Corporate Auditors shall

Article 33. The Audit & Supervisory Committee may

appoint Standing Corporate Auditor(s)

appoint Standing Audit & Supervisory

among the Corporate Auditors.

Committee Member(s)among the Audit &

Supervisory Committee Members.


Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendment

(Authority of Board of Corporate Auditors)

(Regulations of Audit & Supervisory Committee)

Article 37.

Article 34. In addition to the matters provided for by


The Board of Corporate Auditors shall, within

laws or ordinances, or these Articles of

the limit of not discouraging to execute

Incorporation, the Audit & Supervisory

Corporate Auditors' power, make decision on

Committeeshall be governed by the

the matters relating to performance of their

Regulations of the Audit & Supervisory

duties, as well as the matters provided for by

Committeeestablished separately by the

laws or ordinances, or these Articles of

Audit & Supervisory Committee.


2.The Board of Corporate Auditorsshall be governed by the Regulations of the Board of Corporate Auditorsestablished separately by the Board of Corporate Auditors.

(Convocation Notice of Board of Corporate Auditors)

(Convocation Notice of Audit & Supervisory

Article 38.



Convocation notice of meetings of the Board

Article 35.

of Corporate Auditorsshall be sent to each


Convocation notice of meetings of the Audit &

Corporate Auditorfour (4) days prior to the

Supervisory Committeeshall be sent to each

date of the meeting; provided, however, that

Audit & Supervisory Committee Member at

such period may be shortened in case of

leastfour (4) days prior to the date of the


meeting; provided, however, that such period


If the consent of all Corporate Auditorsis

may be shortened in case of emergency.

obtained, a meeting of the Board of Corporate


If the consent of all Audit & Supervisory

Auditorsmay be held without the foregoing

Committee Membersis obtained, a meeting of

convocation procedures.

the Audit & Supervisory Committeemay be

held without the foregoing convocation


(Method of Adopting Resolutions of Board of Corporate

(Method of Adopting Resolutions of Audit &


Supervisory Committee)

Article 39. Unless otherwise provided by laws or

Article 36. Resolutions of the Audit & Supervisory

ordinances, resolutions of the Board of

Committeeshall be adopted by a majority

Corporate Auditorsshall be adopted by a

vote at a meeting where a majority of Audit

majority vote of the Corporate Auditors.

& Supervisory Committee Members entitled

to participate in resolutions are present.



Article 40. The substance of proceedings, the results of

Article 37. The substance of proceedings, the results of

meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors

meetings of the Audit & Supervisory

and other items provided for in laws or

Committeeand other items provided for in

ordinances shall be entered or recorded in

laws or ordinances shall be entered or

the minutes, and Corporate Auditorspresent

recorded in the minutes, and Audit &

shall place their signature and seals thereon

Supervisory Committee Memberspresent

or put their electronic signatures thereon.

shall place their signature and seals thereon

The minutes of the meeting shall be kept at

or put their electronic signatures thereon.

the head office of the Company for ten (10)

The minutes of the meeting shall be kept at


the head office of the Company for ten (10)


Article 41. to 43.


Article 38. to 40.


(Remuneration for Accounting Auditors)

(Remuneration for Accounting Auditors)

Article 44. Remunerations for Accounting Auditors

Article 41. Remunerations for Accounting Auditors

shall be determined by the Representative

shall be determined by the Representative

Directors with consent from the Board of

Directors with consent from the Audit &

Corporate Auditors.

Supervisory Committee.

Article 45. to 48.


Article 42. to 45.



Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendment

(Newly established)

Supplementary Provisions

(Transitional Measures Concerning Exemption of

Liability of Corporate Auditors)

Article 1. The Company may, by resolution of the

Board of Directors, exempt Corporate

Auditors (including former Corporate

Auditors) from their liability for damages

prescribed in Article 423, paragraph 1 of the

Companies Act concerning actions taken

prior to conclusion of the 118th Annual

Shareholder's Meeting to the extent

permitted by laws and regulations.


Third Item: Election of four (4) Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

The Company will transition to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee subject to the condition that the Second Item "Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation" is approved. As a result, all (eight) Directors will complete their terms of office at the conclusion of this Annual Shareholders' Meeting and we therefore request the election of four (4) Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee Members.

This Item shall take effect subject to the condition that the amendment to the Articles of Incorporation in the Second Item "Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation" takes effect.

The candidates for Directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee Members are as follows:

Number of

attendance at




Attribute of

Current Positions and

the Board of



Responsibilities in the Company





Masao Tsuru



Representative Director



Chief Executive Officer






Akira Watanabe


Executive Operating Officer, Chief



Financial Officer



Junichi Orita



Executive Operating Officer



General Manager, Corporate


Business Strategy Office


Yuki Sato


New candidate

Senior Operating Officer, Chief


Technology Officer, Head of NOK



candidate: Candidate

for reelection as


New candidate: New candidate for election as Director



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Nok Corporation published this content on 04 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 June 2024 15:05:12 UTC.