Certain A Shares of Ningbo Tianyi Medical Appliance Co., Ltd. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 7-APR-2023. These A Shares will be under lockup for 378 days starting from 25-MAR-2022 to 7-APR-2023.

The company's controlling shareholder, actual controller, chairman, general manager, and core technical personnel Wu Zhimin, Company shareholder and person acting in concert Zhang Wenyu, and the issuer's actual controller, director, and deputy general manager Wu Bin, Company shareholder and person acting in concert Zhang Wenyu promised Within 36 months from the date of listing and trading of the issuer's shares (the “lock-up period”), they will not transfer or entrust others to manage the shares that they directly or indirectly hold before the issuer's public offering of shares, nor will it prompt a repurchase.

The company's institutional shareholder Shanghai Gimpo National Research and Acquisition of Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Ding Xiaojun, a natural person shareholder of the company promised Within 12 months from the date of listing and trading of the issuer's shares (the “lock-up period”), they will not transfer or entrust others to manage the shares that they directly or indirectly hold before the issuer's public offering of shares, nor will it prompt a repurchase.

The company's controlling shareholder, actual controller, chairman, general manager, and core technical personnel Wu Zhimin, and the issuer's actual controller, director, and deputy general manager Wu Bin promised that within 36 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. If, within 6 months after the issuer's listing, the closing price of the shares is lower than issuance price for 20 consecutive trading days or if trading price is lower than issuance price after 6 month from listing, lock-up period will be automatically extended for another 6 months. After the expiry of the lock-up period (including the extended lock-up period), during the time serves as the company director, supervisor and senior manager, the party promise that yearly transfer of shares made by him/her will not exceed 25% of the holding.