Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. provided the year ended dividend guidance of JPY 3.00 per share compared to JPY 3.00 per share for the same period a year ago.

The company reported consolidated earnings results for the six months ended November 2016. For the period, the company reported net sales of JPY 2,494 million compared to JPY 2,547 million a year ago. Operating income was JPY 166 million compared to JPY 43 million a year ago. Ordinary income was JPY 185 million compared to JPY 52 million a year ago. Profit attributable to owners of parent was JPY 70 million compared to JPY 69 million a year ago. Diluted net income per share was JPY 1.75 compared to JPY 1.71 a year ago.

For the year ending May 31, 2017, the company expects net sales of JPY 5,300 million, operating income of JPY 330 million, ordinary income of JPY 350 million and profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY 135 million or JPY 3.33 per share.