Newfield Resources Limited reported encouraging results of its exploration programme on the Peyima Kimberlite located within its Tongo Mine concession area. The Peyima Kimberlite is located in the south east of the Tongo mining concession, and has been mapped along surface over a distance of 2.24kms, primarily following historical artisanal mining. In 2010 a limited drilling programme was conducted whereby four holes were drilled, three of which intersected kimberlite with the deepest intersection being 130m from surface (vertical depth). In addition, a ground geophysical survey was conducted across the area of drilling interest. Petrographic studies of the drill core intersections identified the kimberlite as a medium grained, garnet macrocrystic, phlogopite hypabyssal kimberlite. The sample was carefully measured and surveyed every metre to determine the volume extracted and the specific gravity and moisture content measured from kimberlite samples collected every 1m. Using these data it was calculated that a total of 108 dry tonnes of kimberlite was collected along a sample strike length of 40m. In addition, at every 2m along the sample trench, samples of kimberlite were collected to give a composite weight of approximately 200kg. These samples will be consigned to the SRC Laboratory in Canada for microdiamond analysis, the results of which will assist in the evaluation of the kimberlite. The kimberlite samples were trucked and stockpiled in a secure sample paddock next to the 5tph bulk sample plant located at the Tongo camp and plant site. The samples were processed at a bottom cut off of +1.2mm, with diamond recovery by X-Ray Flowsort machines. The diamonds were recovered from the heavy mineral concentrate by an experienced diamond sorter under strict security and in the presence of a Government observer A total of 110.58 carats of diamond were recovered from the 108 dry tonnes processed, giving a recovered sample grade of 102.37cpht at a +1.2mm cut off. The diamonds are categorised as gem (49%), near-gem (25%) and industrial (26%) quality. The larger stone recovered was a 5.07 carat near-gem stone.