The board of Neusoft Education Technology Co. Limited announced that Dr. Yang, a non-executive director of the company, who did not offer himself for re-election due to job change, has retired as a non-executive director of the company at the conclusion of the AGM. The board announced that, with effect from the conclusion of the AGM, Dr. ZHANG Xia (Dr. Zhang) has been elected as a non-executive director of the company.

Her biographical details are set out below: Dr. Zhang, aged 56, has been a director and president of Shenyang Neusoft Intelligent Medical Technology Research Institute Limited since its establishment and a director of Hanlang Network Information Technology (Beijing) Limited since June 2017. Since joining Neusoft Corporation in January 1993, Dr. Zhang has served in various positions such as the head of Database System Department, Software Center, the head of Software Products Business Department and the director of Software Technology Center, and in particular, during the period from November 2004 to April 2021, she worked as senior vice president, chief technology officer and chief knowledge officer of Neusoft Corporation.