EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. announced that it has signed an agreement with the Government of Ghana and its Ministry of Works and Housibng to supply up to 100,000 rooftop solar systems under the United Nations OPS program. This order is part of the Government of Ghana's Building of Social Green Housing initiative that is at the forefront of the Government's Solar program in conjunction with the United Nations. This is a priority infrastructure project for the Ghanian Government. The UN program will start in the 2nd quarter of this year and will continue over the next 5 years. EHT will supply 3Kw to 5Kw solar systems to the project depending on the homes requirements. The 3kw system including panels, inverter and 2 batteries will cost approximately $6000 US with the 5Kw system including panels, inverters and 4 batteries will cost approximately $10,000 US.