The Board of National United Resources Holdings Limited announced that on 30 September 2022, the Company entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with Wuji Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. for a term of 60 months commencing from 30 September 2022. Pursuant to the Strategic Cooperation Agreement, the Company will establish a comprehensive strategic partnership with Wuji Technology.

PRINCIPAL TERMS OF THE STRATEGIC COOPERATION AGREEMENT: The principal terms of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement are set out below: Both parties aim to have in-depth business cooperation in the future. In view of the huge highway traffic flow and the high potential of the highway services market, the Group is committed to developing its passenger transport and freight business in Mainland China. By virtue of Wuji Technology having achieved initial results in the highway scene sleep project, both parties shall have strong complementarity at the business level by pursuing the same goal of promoting safe driving.

Each party will set up a special working team to jointly explore specific ways of cooperation in the future, including but not limited to setting up joint venture(s), jointly building a scene-based short sleep system, acquiring project company(ies) and setting up a special industrial fund. Details of subsequent cooperations shall be subject to the relevant specific cooperation agreements to be entered into by the parties separately. The Board considers that the Strategic Cooperation Agreement has been entered into on normal commercial terms after arm's length negotiation between the Company and Wuji Technology, and such cooperation is in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole.