Board of directors of National United Resources Holdings Limited entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with China Business Update Magzine publisher is a publication approved by the national press and publication authorities, which is a national comprehensive economic journal published by China Business Update Publisher. Pursuant to the Strategic Cooperation Agreement, the Company shall enter into a comprehensive strategic partnership with China Business Update Publisher. The Company agreed to participate in the business cooperation with China Business Update Publisher and etc.

in the fields of digital economy, digital culture, creative and advanced technology, etc. and to establish designated project joint laboratories. The Company will set up its digital economy business department to have in-depth cooperation with operating organisation(s) of China Business Update Publisher, including but not limited to setting up joint venture(s), building digital economy industrial park, merger with or acquisition of project company and setting up dedicated industrial funds.

The parties will set up a working group to promote the above-mentioned cooperations. Further cooperations will be implemented by entering into specified cooperation agreements after negotiation. The Board considers that the Strategic Cooperation Agreement was entered into on normal commercial terms after arm's length negotiation between the Company and China Business Update Publisher, and such cooperation is in the interests of the Company and the shareholders of the Company as a whole.

China Business Update Publisher is a press and publication organization approved by the national press and publication authorities. China Business Update is a national comprehensive economic journal published by China Business Update Publisher. To the best of the Directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, China Business Update Publisher and its shareholder(s) (and their respective ultimate beneficial owner(s)) are third parties independent to the Company and its connected persons The Board believes that the entering into of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement will beneficial to facilitate the Group's expansion of business scope and enhance the Group's risk resistance ability, which is in line with the future development of the Group.