 National Grid is dismantling and removing one of three gasholders at its Gas Street site in Bolton
 This is part of a national programme to regenerate gasholder sites for future use

National Grid has started work to remove gasholders in Bolton as part of a nationwide programme to clear redundant industrial sites for future use.

The first stage will involve taking down one of the three gasholders, which the company expects to be removed by March 2015. A further announcement is likely to be made this year regarding removal of the remaining two gasholders.

The site and surrounding area has a rich history in securing Bolton's gas supply. The Bolton Gas Light and Coke Co was first formed in 1818, and a small site works were built in Forge Street, later known as Gas Street.

The site at Gas Street later became the main gas making works in Bolton. In 1886 a major reconstruction took place at the works, and adjoining land was acquired in order to expand. Right up to 1926 work was taking place to develop and improve the site at Gas Street, which supplied gas across Bolton, but today the gasholders are no longer needed.

Investments in the national network mean that gas can be stored in the pipe system or underground, and no longer needs to be stored in gasholders.

Land Regeneration Manager, Matthew Pearce, said:
"It has been several years since the gasholders were last used and our work is the next step in cleaning up this redundant site.
"Although there are no specific plans for the site at the moment, we hope that regeneration will breathe new life into the area at some point in the future.

"Our team will aim to carry out the work as quickly and efficiently as we can and we will be sure to update the surrounding community and neighbours throughout the work."

National Grid's Community Relations Team are available to answer any questions about the project and can be reached on Freephone 0808 168 7590 or by emailing nationalgrid@boltongasholders.com.

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