National Fuel Reminds Customers to Protect Their Families From Carbon Monoxide

(Jan. 21, 2013) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. - With the winter heating season upon us, National
Fuel reminds customers to protect their families from carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and potentially dangerous gas produced when fuel (heating oil, propane, kerosene, charcoal, gasoline, wood or natural gas) is burned without enough air for complete combustion. If inhaled in large quantities for a prolonged time period, carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness, brain damage and even death.
Learning to identify the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning is the first step toward protecting you and your family. These symptoms include: fatigue, coughing, headache, irregular breathing, dizziness, overall paleness, nausea, and cherry red lips and/or ears. If you, or anyone in your household, experience these symptoms, immediately open windows and doors to ventilate your home, then move outside and call 9-

1-1 or the fire department.

Here are some ways to help protect you and your family from carbon monoxide poisoning: