The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has officially extended its contract with Nasdaq to continue to leverage Nasdaq's SMARTS Market Surveillance technology to detect insider trading and market manipulation across the European Union's wholesale energy markets by digesting and analyzing massive volumes of data from hundreds of power producers, exchanges, operators, and brokers across 28 member states. The new agreement contract extension will continue to allow national regulatory authorities to share data, technology, and expertise, with the aim of creating a cooperative regulatory infrastructure. Under the contract, SMARTS technology will continue being leveraged to monitor the European wholesale gas and electricity markets, covering both spot trading and derivative markets across Europe in accordance with the obligations under the REMIT legislation. Further, the surveillance technology will support ACER's efforts in ensuring prices set on wholesale energy markets reflect fair and competitive interplay between supply and demand, with the goal to stifle any profits gained from market abuse.