Mydecine Innovations Group Inc. announced the inclusion of a novel molecule with potentially heart-safe microdose enabling properties in their family of psilocin analogs. The Company has named this group of patent pending molecules MYCO-005. In December of 2021, Mydecine announced a patent application covering multiple families of psilocin analogs, MYCO-005.

This family of second-generation molecules directly addresses delivery and stability concerns with the first-generation compounds. The Company reported that its research findings indicate this family of molecules includes a psilocin analog that could potentially be considered a heart-safe microdose drug by eliminating a possible known risk factor. Microdosing refers to consuming a very low dose of a psychedelic substance to retain some of the benefits without undergoing a psychoactive experience.

Although microdosing has been gaining popularity in mainstream media as a possible treatment for indications such as ADHD, depression and anxiety, more research is needed to confirm the safety and efficacy of this method. Previous studies have drawn connections between binding to the 5-HT2B receptor and heart valve tissue fibrosis. Classic psilocybin, or psilocin -- its active metabolite, has a strong binding affinity to both the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2B serotonin receptors.

Therefore, consuming low doses of psilocybin over a long period of time could cause certain cardiac risks. The Company's patent-pending dermal route to administration provides more control over the drug while potentially eliminating undesirable properties like nausea by bypassing the digestive system. Mydecine's research will explore this new feature set alongside their patent pending skin permeation technology to produce a low-dosed, time-released patch drug that is non-hallucinatory.