MSR India Limited launched new products, Dr. Copper Care key is world's first multipurpose patented device to help user with 20+ day to day tasks and reduces the risk of touching the virus infected surfaces up to 95% and Dr. Copper –Copper Filtered N-95 Reusable mask is first in the world that helps public against virus with unique safety feature of pure copper's ability in killing coronavirus. Dr. Copper Care key is world's first multipurpose patented device to help user with 20+ day to day tasks and reduces the risk of touching the virus infected surfaces up to 95%. Dr. Copper -Copper Filtered N-95 Reusable mask is first in the world that helps Public against virus with unique safety feature of pure copper's ability in killing coronavirus. Dr. Copper Care Key is world's first surface distancing key (Also known as Covid Key) made of 99.9% pure copper. This Care Key is first of its kind patented device in the world that helps users with more than 20 day to day tasks without touching surfaces. The ability of pure copper in killing any virus, including SARC COVID-19 is the primary reason for launching this key. Along with its unique feature to help as Bottle Opener, Tasks such as opening doors of home and cars, Pushing buttons of elevators and keypads, carrying bags of groceries and shopping are safe with this care key. Copper Filtered Mask by Dr Copper is world's first Copper Filtered five layered N95 Mask, which can be reusable up to 35 times. This Copper Filtered Mask is first of its kind in the world designed primarily for the purpose of controlling the contamination with self-disinfecting property that copper has. A five layered protection with Air Mesh Cloth, Moisture control &Anti-Bacterial Finish, Copper Filter, N-95 Filter and Copper Cloth Filter make it 90% more effective in controlling the spread than any other N-95 masks user find in the market.