mPhase Technologies, Inc. announce AI and Machine Learning expert Charles Martin as a member of the Company's newly formed mPower Advisory Board. The board will consist of independent advisors with specific skills and contacts in areas of importance for the ongoing development of the mPower suite of mobility services.Charles Martin is considered a leading figure across multiple technology disciplines, with an established track record
in machine learning, deep learning, data science, and AI software development, complemented by extensive domain experience in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Search Relevance (as well as Text Generation and Quantitative Finance). Highly sought after in the software development field, he has personally developed and implemented machine learning (ML) systems at companies including Roche, France Telecom, GoDaddy, Aardvark (Google), eBay, eHow, Walmart, Barclays/BGI, and Blackrock. Much of his recent project work has been done under his advisory firm, Calculation Consulting, which he founded in 2010 to provide data science, machine learning, and deep learning solutions. He has also served as both a consultant and FTE distinguished engineer at GLG, a prestigious international consulting firm, where he developed AI methods for the search and recommendations platform. In addition to ongoing project and consulting work, Charles also provides scientific consulting to the Page family office at the Anthropocene Institute, advising on areas of nuclear and quantum technologies with an eye toward climate change. In academic circles, he is also involved in scientific research in collaboration with UC Berkeley on the
foundations of AI.