In a strategic move that could reshape the understanding of long COVID and chronic Lyme disease, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has forged a partnership with Movano Health for its MAESTRO study to harness the medical grade continuous health monitoring capabilities of Movano's Evie Ring. The MAESTRO study, a comprehensive study using the latest advancements in medical research, will recruit 300 adults aged 18-35 across four distinct cohorts: those with acute Lyme disease, chronic Lyme disease, long COVID, and a control group. With an estimated 40 million Americans grappling with the debilitating effects of long COVID, and over 600,000 new cases per year of Lyme disease, 10-15% of which will manifest as chronic Lyme, the long-term health impacts of these conditions are still mystery in mystery.

This study holds the promise of unlocking vital answers.