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The Berlin biotech company MOLOGEN AG has had good results so far  in
a clinical  study  with  the  cancer drug  MGN1703.  The  safety  and
efficacy of MGN1703 are  currently under investigation  in a phase  I

MGN1703  has  demonstrated  a  favorable  safety  profile  and   good
tolerability thus far. The dosing regimen specified in the study plan
could therefore be followed without modification.
Patients were initially treated with single doses of the drug.  Based
on good  tolerability,  when  the  single  treatment  was  over,  all
patients  were  switched   to  a  higher   dose  involving   multiple
administrations for a longer period. Currently the last patient group
is going to be included and will be treated according to the  highest
dosing regimen planned.

Assuming the trial  continues to proceed  according to plan,  MOLOGEN
expects to finish the treatments at  the end of the first quarter  of

In consideration of the favorable progress and imminent completion of
the study,  MOLOGEN is  currently  intensively engaged  in  preparing
additional clinical  trials  investigating the  efficacy  of  MGN1703
(phase II).

Dr. Matthias  Schroff, CEO  of MOLOGEN  AG, said:  "We are  extremely
pleased with the progress of the study so far and the safety  profile
of MGN1703.  When the  current treatments  are finished,  we want  to
start additional studies on MGN1703 as  soon as possible in order  to
investigate the drug's efficacy potential in the treatment of various

Information about the clinical study with MGN1703
The study (Phase  I) of the  safety, compatibility and  immunological
effect of MGN1703  in the  treatment of  various cancers  is a  major
milestone for a comprehensive clinical development program. The study
is currently performed at the  renowned cancer centers in  university
hospitals in  Essen  and  Cologne.  MOLOGEN  plans  to  establish  an
effective,  compatible  treatment  for  the  treatment  of  the  most
frequent cancers in the form of MGN1703.

dSLIM® - an innovative TLR9 agonist
In dSLIM® ("double Stem Loop Immunomodulator"), MOLOGEN has developed
an innovative TLR9 agonist. Use of dSLIM® activates the immune system
against  tumor-associated   antigens  by   targeting  the   different
receptors, primarily TLR9, on  certain immune cells.  As a result  of
chemotherapy and  radiotherapy, tumor-associated  antigens (TAA)  are
released by cancer cells. The immune system activated by dSLIM® is in
a position to overcome its  fatal tolerance towards cancer cells  and
TAA and advance against them strategically.

MOLOGEN AG, a biopharmaceutical company based in Berlin,  specializes
in the research and development of innovative medicines based on  DNA
structures (DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid).

Its patented DNA-based technology platforms MIDGE® and dSLIM® form  a
universal foundation  with a  wide  range of  possible  applications.
Activities focus on product developments for the treatment of  cancer
and vaccines for serious infections in humans and animals.

MOLOGEN was founded in  1998 and was  the first German  biotechnology
company to go  public. MOLOGEN AG  shares are listed  in the  General
Standard of Deutsche Börse (ISIN DE 0006637200).

Disclaimer concerning prognoses
Certain statements  in  this communication  contain  formulations  or
terms referring  to the  future or  future developments,  as well  as
negations of  such formulations  or  terms, or  similar  terminology.
These are described as  forward-looking statements. In addition,  all
information in this communication regarding planned or future results
of business segments, financial classification numbers,  developments
of the financial  situation, or other  financial or statistical  data
contains  such  forward-looking  statements.  The  company   cautions
prospective investors not to rely on such forward-looking  statements
as certain prognoses  of actual future  events and developments.  The
company is neither responsible  nor liable for these  forward-looking
statements. It  is not  responsible  for updating  such  information,
which only represents the state of affairs on the day of publication.

Fabeckstr. 30, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Contact: Joerg Petrass
Phone: +49-30-84 17 88-13
Fax: +49-30-84 17 88-50

--- End of Message ---

Fabeckstr. 30 Berlin Germany

WKN: 663720; ISIN: 
Listed: Freiverkehr in Börse Berlin, Freiverkehr in Hanseatische 
Wertpapierbörse zu Hamburg, 
General Standard in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Freiverkehr in 
Bayerische Börse München, 
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